Sunday, June 14, 2020

Idli Recipe

·        par-boiled ponni rice 4 cups
·       1 cup Urad Dal (black gram)
·       1/4 tsp of fenugreek seeds 
·       Salt to taste
  1. Soak the rice and dal separately for about 4 hours
  2. Grind the Urad dal first, with just enough water to grind it to a smooth paste. Once done, remove and set aside.
  3. Grind the soaked rice until smooth and add to the already ground Urad dal and Salt to taste.
  4. Leave in a warm place for atleast 8 hours or overnight. Leave enough room in the vessel for the batter to ferment and rise.
  5. Ware water in idli cooker 
  6. Steam the batter for about 10 minutes. The timing may vary from 7 – 15 minutes depending on the size of your idlis. About 10 minutes is the average
  7. Rest the idlis for 3 minutes. This is an important step. If you don’t rest them, they will become very gooey and not hold their shape very well.
  8. pour water on the reverse side of the Idli plate or a drop of water around the Idlis so that they comes out of plate very well. 

Swadh Tips:
·       In winter you can keep in oven without turning it on, but be care full the container has enough room else you will have a cleanup job :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sweet Pongal :

Sweet pongal is one of the favorite festival sweet in south India. The Authentic  sweet Pongal is prepared using Jaggery, But this recipe is modified version, made by sugar. As the name suggests it is made during the Harvest Festival that is Pongal.

  •  Rice 1 cup
  • 1 cup Moong Dal (actually u can add ½ cup but I prefer 1 cup)
  • 1-1/2 cup Sugar (If you are a sweet person, then can add 2 Cups)
  • Cashew nuts
  • Raisins
  • Saffron
  • Coconut powder
  • Ghee
  1. Cook Rice and Dal together with 5 – 6cups of water
  2. In a big pan add 2 – 3 spoons of Ghee and roast the cashew and Raisens and keep them aside.
  3. Same pan add a cup of water, saffron and sugar, bring it to boil
  4. Add 2 spoons of coconut powder, cooked rice and mix it well
  5. Add 2 – 3 spoons of ghee in the end and mix well
  6. Garnish with the cashews and raisins.
Swadh Tips:
  • You can slightly fry the dal with ghee before cooking with rice.
  • In the step 3 you can replace water with milk.